Lipa City is the Philippine headquarters for Grace Outreach Ministries Asia (GOMA) and is located approximately 1.5 hours south of Manila. GOMA was founded to encourage the oppressed and to give hope to the abandoned.
According to the census bureau in the Philippines, approximately 10% of its 109 million population are working outside of the country. Thousands of Filipino workers are living and working in many of the ministry areas of GOMA. Therefore, our focus is to disciple and send Filipino workers into many of the persecuted areas of Southeast Asia.
By training a mission force here in the Philippines, we will have a stronger mission outreach in the other areas of Asia. By “partnering” with local Philippine ministries to accomplish the task, GOMA will be able to train and send workers to the mission field with confidence and support.
GOMA will also continue to encourage the local churches to help orphaned or abandoned children of the Philippines. Working with several local churches that have the same vision, we together can help many of the 1.5 million children living on the streets, graveyards, gutters, and dumpsites. Many of the local churches in the Philippines are catching the vision to reach out and help give food, clothing, shelter, and education to these children.
As we continue doing God's will here in the Philippines, please keep us in prayer. Every day is a challenge and a blessing. A challenge because we have taken the responsibility to see the believers mature into responsible examples of God's grace, and a blessing because we see God provide both the strength and the finances to do what He has called us to do.
Vision for Cambodia
Cambodia is slowly recovering from the oppressive results of the Khmer Rouge. During the late 70's Pol Pott, the vicious communist dictator of the "Red Communist" committed crimes on the scale of Adolf Hitler. Under his leadership, life was not held sacred. During his reign, over two million people were killed. Some were tortured to death while others died in the work camps.
The effects of such horrific acts have affected both the quality of life and the financial stability of this country. However, as the years go by, small but noticeable changes can be seen. One area is the spiritual climate. Today Buddhism has again become the dominant religion, while 5% of the population follows Islam, and 2% of the population practice Christianity.
Our goal is to see these statistics reverse themselves with Christianity being dominant. This can only be accomplished by prayer, making disciples, and leadership training. "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." 2 Timothy 2:2 (NKJV)
The opportunity for reaching Cambodia for Christ is ripe. Churches are being planted and the believers are being trained to reach their nation. Please pray for Grace Outreach Ministries Asia as we seek God's provision for Cambodia.
NOTE: Because of the Covid pandemic in the country, GOMA cannot travel outside of the Philippines at this time. Pray with us for an open door to return.
Our Mission vision: Find pastors and leaders that will work with us to train men and women called to the ministry. GOMA has worked in three areas of Myanmar and provided the needed help to the local church so that they can multiply and affect this country in a positive way.
Because of an anti-Christian military dictatorship, missionaries are not welcomed in the country. However, God has not left this needy country without a witness. Just as God used Adoniram Judson in the 1800s, God is still building His church today. Many brave Pastors are being used by God to reach the lost in this land of idols. Grace Outreach Ministries Asia (GOMA) has been working with the underground church to help train and encourage the pastors and teachers.
Printing Ministry: GOMA has worked with a local underground print shop that prints discipleship study material and also Bibles in three languages, Lisu, Chinese, and Burmese. These materials are taken to distribution points and then the students carry them to the areas where they are needed.
The churches that are planted also reach out to the homeless children and help and feed them. God has blessed these ministries and we covet your prayers for our safety in this land of idols.
NOTE: Because of the Covid pandemic in the country and the military control of the country, GOMA cannot travel outside of the Philippines at this time. Pray with us for an open door to return.